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mod_vvisit_counterТАЗИ СЕДМИЦА11035
mod_vvisit_counterТОЗИ МЕСЕЦ22727

 It was 11 September, 1890. The first school was started with 15-20 students in Petar Yordanov’s house. All officials from the town raised money for the school and for the teacher’s salary. The first teacher was Vladimir Hlebarov from the town of Tutrakan. His salary was 600 leva per year.

In 1908/09 the school moved to a more comfortable building. There were four primary classes and one fifth grade class. The new building was decided officially with report N 11/21 July 1915 to be opened and it has been used since then.

 With  report № 28/04.02 the school was named 'Hristo Botev’ by the school board  in 1923.

In the beginning of 1938 the village of Balbunar was given other name Kubrat. A high school with six classes was opened on 4.12.1944. There were 180 students in the school at this time.

The construction of the new school building began in 1961. There were 8 classrooms and 4 workshops.

In 1963/64 there already were two schools ‘Hristo Botev’ I Secondary School managed by Velichko Velikov and ‘Hristo Smirnenski’ II Secondary School managed by Nikola Kostadinov.

In 1980/81 and 1981/82 all the eighth grade students from the town studied in ‘Geo Milev’ HIgh School.The school year of 1982/83 in sets the beginning of ‘Hristo Botev’ ESPU as a school that offered full education for all the levels from primary to upper secondary .

August 1982 sets the start of the construction work of a new extension in the school as part of the preparation process for the 100th anniversary celebrations. Both teachers and pupils take part in the refurbishment and termination of the new building.
The year of 1990 is a jubilee year for the ‘Hristo Botev’ school. In November the 100th anniversaries of the establishment of the school and the establishment of educational work in the town of Kubrat were greatly celebrated all around the village. At a festive official ceremony the new extension was opened and 24 rooms were represented – classrooms, Chemistry, Physics and  Biology laboratories, Art and Museum rooms.
And the one hundred-year-old school took its new path.
In 1993 the first computer laboratory was established.
1999 set the start of a reception of new classes studying ‘Computer science and English language’.
In 2006 a new vocational educational programme in ‘Business and Trading’ was launched.
2005 set the start of all international teachers’ and students’ projects. Nowadays the school keeps good relationships with other schools in Romania, Turkey, England, Italy, Lithuania, and Sweden.
Since 2005 the school has participated in over 20 successful international projects. The school is also a member and active collaborator with the National Eco-parliament organisation, the Bulgarian association of birds’ protection, and ‘Paydeya’s net system. The school’s handball team is one of the best in the country.
Everyone working in the educational system is inheritor of a bright affair with over 120 years of history. People’s lives are based on hopes and plans. That would not be so without teachers’ work, their will, intellect and hearts; and without the support of all pupils through the years, their parents and the society in general.
A long way, beginning with the magic called ‘school’, part of which is the ‘Hristo Botev’ school too.

